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A vibrant volunteering community with ongoing interaction - Access to a diverse range of events -Access to training and orientation.


A vibrant volunteering community with ongoing interaction - Access to a diverse range of events -Access to training and orientation sessions - A progression route through volunteer management training to become a Team leader - Long-term recognition - Skill development  - Volunteer gatherings - A platform for ideas and input into future events - Satisfaction and social gratitude of helping others. Hands-on work experience for students (references provided if requested) - Lots of fun \m/

Virtual and live stream event volunteers wanted. Volunteers Are Our Biggest Fans. We would not exist without our volunteers. Be a part of an exciting & rewarding team. 

Doing it all, in all-new ways! 

Virtual and Live Stream Event Volunteers Wanted

Volunteers Are Our Biggest Fans.....


MMMFK operates with a small staff, but there are many ways your time and talents can help bring the world to our community.  MMMFK is always seeking volunteers to assist with bringing our mission to life — please review our list of current volunteer opportunities to see how you can get involved with a program, event, or behind the scenes.

Our committees will need to devote extra volunteer time to help plan and execute particular aspects of this year's project.  Committee volunteers take a leadership role in helping staff ensure that infrastructure needs are carefully thought out in advance, that necessary acquisitions are made, and that the best procedures and guidelines are in place for both volunteers and patrons.  Time commitments vary by committee; in general, committees start meeting in the months or weeks prior to the Festival, and members have tasks during Festival weekend as well as during event follow-up.

 Volunteer Leaders 

Volunteers are our biggest Fans. Live events and live streaming volunteers wanted. Without them, we wouldn't exist.

 Livestreaming Production Volunteers

Creative personnel coordinating virtual event landscape tasks for live stream production. Knowledge of optimal lighting and angles to capture scenes. Familiar with live video specifications, different popular channels, and social media platforms would be essential. Ensures beforehand the type of equipment and video settings used to deliver the best quality video. Understanding the basic principles of dramatic storytelling and editing fundamentals may come in handy for this primary role should one need to combine both pre-recorded and live video footage. Live stream event assistance and support to ensure that production is not delayed, studio production setup, and able to set preparations when there is a tight timeframe.


Making Music Matter For Kids performing arts music production would not exist without our volunteers. Be a part of an exciting and rewarding team. Volunteers are needed for all our events and fundraisers. Volunteering is important, contributing to our healthy and vibrant community. M.M.M.F.K sees volunteering as ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Long-term positions (Volunteer coordinators and scheduling) Day of events and fundraisers (ticket sales, raffles, security, parking, stagehands & VIP area.

Virtual & Livestream Volunteer Application

virtual and live stream event volunteer opportunities

Volunteers are our biggest Fans. Live events and live streaming volunteers wanted. Without them, we wouldn't exist.

If you enjoy working in a creative, mission-driven environment and are looking for an opportunity to become part of a stellar team of professionals, we invite you to apply online today. 

Making Music Matter For Kids Inc. 501c3 Non-Profit Tax ID# 47-4280829

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Making Music Matter For Kids 3600 Route 66, Suite 150 Neptune New Jersey 07753

Phone - 570-514-5155 

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